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Pawsitive Pet Stories

Bentley’s Medical Care

By July 10, 2023July 12th, 2023No Comments

“I never wanted another dog.”

We’ve all had that dog – the best dog in the world! For Terrance, that dog was Serenity, a big German shepherd mix with a calm, vigilant gaze whose favorite thing was following Terrance. When she laid down for a nap under the Christmas tree on December 26th, 2019 and never awoke, Terrance was crushed. Even now, he tears up when he talks about her. Brokenhearted, Terrance swore he’d never again lose his heart to a dog.

Gentle giant Bentley awakes from surgery, ready for hugs and pets!

But Terrance underestimated the power of sad puppy eyes.

One night, Terrance heard a rustle on the porch. He opened the door to discover a massive dog curled up on the welcome mat.

So emaciated his ribs protruded. Covered in lacerations. Infested with fleas and ticks.

Terrance called animal control to report the dog in case a worried owner was missing him, but an officer never came. He prepared a nourishing meal, a bowl of fresh water, and a cozy blanket bed for his hungry guest and decided that if the dog was still there in the morning, he would adopt him as a forever best friend.

To Terrance’s delight, the grateful pup was snoozing on the porch the next day! Terrance named the gentle giant Bentley.

Hardworking people struggling to keep a roof over their heads can’t afford $1,000 to get their pets fixed and vaccinated. Pet overpopulation and the cycle of poverty are linked.

Terrance KennedyJonesboro, GA

Once Bentley’s health improved and his wounds healed, Terrance knew that to keep him healthy and happy, Bentley would need to be neutered.

After calling several local veterinary practices in and around his home in south Clayton County, Terrance was despondent – the least expensive option was $1,035 for Bentley, now 90 pounds, to be neutered and vaccinated – he couldn’t afford that!

Would Terrance have to surrender his best friend because he couldn’t afford Bentley’s medical care?

Desperate for a solution, Terrance called our friends at Fix Georgia Pets, who connected him to the Athens Area Humane Society . . and that’s when Terrance breathed a sigh of relief. He booked an appointment for Bentley for a neuter procedure and a one-year rabies vaccination. The total charge? $215.00 . . . 80% less than the lowest price he was quoted. 

And our donor-supported Healing Paws Fund paid for Bentley’s surgery.

AAHS stands with pet guardians like Terrance – those who love their pets dearly but who cannot afford skyrocketing routine veterinary care.

No pet guardian should have to surrender a beloved for lack of access to affordable, high-quality veterinary care.

Doesn’t everyone deserve the unconditional love of a pet? And doesn’t everyone deserve to keep their beloved pet healthy and happy? I think so, and I bet you do, too.

Will you help? Can I count on you to provide a lifesaving gift of health for the most vulnerable pet families in our community?