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You can make a difference for pets through community service!
We invite individuals who need to complete their court-ordered community service or mandated academic service hours to take part in our mission in providing for the wellbeing of companion animals. Community service contributors play an important role in assisting our staff and maintaining a healthy environment for people and pets. Your service will go a long way toward helping the most vulnerable pets in our community!
If you’re looking for ways to volunteer, please visit our volunteer opportunities page.
Court-Appointed & Academic Dishonesty Community Service
This application is intended for individuals who are required to complete court-ordered or mandatory academic service hours. Applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Charges related to cruelty, abuse, and/or neglect of animals and people will not be approved.
Please review our Frequently Asked Questions below for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I complete court-ordered community service hours at the Athens Area Humane Society?
Absolutely! We invite candidates who are interested in completing their court-ordered community service hours to fill out our court-ordered community service/academic dishonesty application. Pending approval of your application, candidates will then be directed to fulfill our required training before beginning their service hours. Please keep in mind, we are unable offer short term or quick turnaround service opportunities at this time. If you have any further questions, please email our Volunteer & Community Service Manager, [email protected]
Can I complete hours before I go to court or be officially charged in order to get them out of the way?
No. In order to complete your hours, you must have:
- An official charge sheet signed by a judge with your official charges clearly stated.
- The amount of required hours clearly stated.
- A probation officer.
What charges are accepted?
We only accept charges relating to traffic violations, DUIs, underage drinking, or academic dishonesty. We do not accept any charges related to criminal trespassing, assault, battery, abuse and/or neglect of people or animals, theft of any kind, or any other form of violent crime or harassment.
What if my charges aren’t listed?
If your charges are not listed, your application will be denied.
Do I have to fill out a community service application - can’t I just volunteer?
You must fill out the proper application: our community service program has different rules and regulations than our volunteer program does.
Do I have to fill out a community service application if I’m in pre-trial diversion?
Yes, but your paperwork must reflect that you are in a pre-trial diversion program. Otherwise, we will not be able to process your application.
How do I sign up for community service?
Candidates interested in completing court-ordered community service hours with us must complete our court-ordered community service/academic dishonesty application.
How are my hours tracked?
You must clock in and out at the front desk at the beginning and end of each shift or if you wish to take a break or make a phone call. Maintaining your hours is solely your responsibility.
What happens if I don’t check in or out at the front desk?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to count your hours for that day.
What is the process for requesting verification of completed hours?
If, in addition to the Community Service Time Log, written verification of hours on business letterhead is requested, a minimum of one week (7 days) advance notice is required. Requests submitted prior to seven days may not be fulfilled in time. You must provide the email of your probation officer if written completion is requested.
If you misplace CACS verification documents, a service fee of $25.00 will be charged to reconstruct your service hours worked.
Can my child do community service here?
You must be at least 18 years old to perform court-appointed community service hours.
Didn't see your question answered?
Please contact our Volunteer & Community Engagement Manager for more information!